Archive for RvR

Wonders Never Cease.

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags , , , , , on February 27, 2009 by theerivs

First time in a few days, Altdorf was not in our grasp.

Did some Open RvR, and Scenarios before my Blood/Bile run. I had some fun, some Order came out, and they even killed me a few times. I love when a Scenario is close, and it’s a drag out knuckle fest, but it’s rarely that.

Then on my 15th time of running Bile, and Bloodwrought I hit the jackpot, I got 3 pieces of Sentinel. Sentinel Gauntlets, Sentinel Chestpiece, Sentinel Helm.  That makes me 3/5 greater ward atm.

I had a feeling last night was my night.  I want to thank my usual Monday/Thursday crew. BP, Truthie, Fluboy, Nied, Testta.  We make a good team, hope we can head into Vale soon, and knock it out of the park.

I am also glad Order got a little breather, even though some Destro fliped a fort using a bug. I don’t condone that crap. I wasn’t there, but alot of my guildies were, and they walked away as soon as the Lord bugged.

So it was a pretty descent night last night…I think I’ll keep paying Mythic 🙂

I hear you knocking, but you can’t come in.

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags , , on February 25, 2009 by theerivs

So last night, Destro on Iron Rock took a couple of fortresses, and were knocking on Altdorfs door again. I think this is the fifth day in a row they did this.  So a friend of mine in our alliance, Testta,  talks me into heading down their to farm the Screaming Cat Tavern. 

First thing is first I had to get to Altdorf, Order had a blockade going. So me and some Destro buddies cleared that. Then once to Altdorf, you zone in, right near the Destro starting zone of the city instance, you have to sneak past the Order Zerg to get to the Tavern. The Tavern is an instance near the river, on the east side of the math close to the last pier on the bottom of the math. That in itself was fun sometimes, annoying others trying to get to.

Once there you zone in. You have Gortek the dwarf slayer, and Felix a human.  It’s rather an easy encounter, Me,  a sword and board ,Chosen, and Testta, a DOK duoed it. But the more the merrier always. The encounter goes like this. You start with the human, you burn him down to half, he resets. Then start killing the dwarf, then the human goes back to half health. Kill him. Then take on the dwarf, the dwarf will reset once,  crush him the second time. That’s it, the dwarf drops a chest, open it up and get the fat loot.

What Fat Loot I got, a few things, but here’s the creme de’ la creme of the drops.   Giant Slayer Chaosaxe, Giant Slayer Gauntlets, Chosen Gird of the Despoiler.

So yea the city taking needs some work, though the instance farming was some nice loot, it was way too easy, and I think took away from the spirit of the game. You RvR to get to Altdorf, then you PvE , kinda silly. It also looks like I’m lucky every place else besides Bile/Blood.

A nice surprise is that Shadowwar stopped by and saw me. Nice to have people visit.

Happy Halloween!

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags , , , on October 31, 2008 by theerivs

Well Ghoulies, and Goblins, Happy Halloween.

Well last night I ran some scenarios,  let me tell you I love Doomfist Crater. It’s a tanks wet dream. Holding the line on one of the bridges. Ahh and poor Werit, I saw him, and he didn’t fare that well this time. Everytime I played Doomfist. Destro rocked. On the flip side Tor Anroc is my kryptnonite. Even though I enjoy punting people in the Lava, Destro doesn’t seem to be able to pull it together for that.

PvE, I don’t know. I try, and it’s just not fun. It’s like pulling teeth. I like raiding Gunbad, cause it’s with my guildies and i always have fun with them. Solo PvE, I rather go yank my own teeth out with a rusty pair of pliers. Something needs to be done about it.

Open RvR, seemed quite dead last night in T3. Order has been steamrolling. I think because Destro just doesnt care, and want to reach end game ASAP.

RvR antics

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags on October 30, 2008 by theerivs

Last night, had a real fun night in some Open RvR in T3. Tons of Order, and Destro made an appearance. Back and Forth, Back and Forth for hours. After 4 hours of it I had to give it a rest. Not much xp, but a good amount of Renown.

I think I might have to much suicidal in me. I would run right into the middle of the order group, to try to debuff them, to disrupt their lines. They didn’t take to kindly to that for some reason.

I even saw a fellow blogger good ole dwarf Werit. He’s an engineer, so he was hiding in the back. LOL! i knew no way in the hell would I kill him with all the BW’s gunning for me. I just wanted to say hi though in my own special way, with me sword.

It was a fun time, and reinforced the idea why I like WAR.

Kudos to Order

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags on October 23, 2008 by theerivs

What’s this in my hand, Oh that would be my ass.

So last night in T3 open RvR, in Chaos area, near Passwatch. I see there was a little Open RvR happening awesome. I joined a Warband of like 10 at the most. We take the field of battle, and I turn the corner…Holy Shnikes. Like 2-3 Warbands of Order coming right for me. I resist the urge to run away, doing everything I can to debuff with blastwave, and auras. But if you ever see those nature videos where the millions of little insects, overpower and kill the bigger insect. That was me last night.

The calls went out to my comrades. “Need help in T3″, Some responded, still not enough. Though we fought, we couldn’t overtake them, it was fun nonetheless.

It had me wondering though if were so overpopulated, where was everyone? Where are these vast numbers that bloggers, and media are stating. So I asked, where is everyone. Only one reply was given, ” T4″

Well if when these Order level up and hit T4, I can’t wait. They had their crap together. So I want to give props where props are due. Enjoy the RP I donated.

Alot of T3 Action this weekend

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags , on October 20, 2008 by theerivs

Friday/Saturday saw alot of T3 action on my Server, which is a good thing because sooner or later these people will be T4, which I haven’t been hearing too many things as of late.

As the time goes on, I don’t think that Order is all that outnumbered by us. I know in general that some servers are outnumbered badly, but I noticed another thing on some servers Destruction is getting a bonus. I feel once the 2 new classes come out things will even themselves out a little better. They got to make the Knights look bad ass though imho.

The Armies of Destruction Amass.

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags , , on October 10, 2008 by theerivs

I changed spec to discord, I think debuffing, and that aura that slows down healing pure awsomeness. I will keep it for a while, I don’t know how it will perform in PvE though. We will see this weekend.  I might have to find a UI mod to increase the length of my hotbars or put more hotbars on my screen. I’m starting to amass a huge amount of abilities, and my twitch movement isn’t as good as it use to be. Anyone know of any let me know. 

Last night, I was a part of a large force of destruction at least 2 warbands plus more stragglers. We just steamrolled a couple keeps in the T3 area. We started in Black Fire Pass, and hit up Avelorn as well. It was amazing, this was the first time I was a part of such a large force for pvp working together to reach our goals. It brought back alot of memories from DAOC. The lag was bad at times, but alot more tolerable then it was in DAOC at times.  I didn’t have to remove my cloak at least. I’ll try to slap some pics later.

Also I’m a little peeved that guild recall now only works if your guild is lvl 17, luckily my guild is almost there. If we were lower, I would of been full blown pissed.

Don’t forget to enter the little contest I’m running, and win a Way of the Chosen shirt as well.

T2 Scenerios – This is how I roll.

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags , , on October 7, 2008 by theerivs

As a Sword and Board Chosen, I know a few things.

– I will never be on top of any damage charts.

– My renown and xp will never reach epic proportions.

– My role


This is a big issue with Chosen, and the mindset of things. There are two types of chosen. Sword and Board, and 2hander, or as I’ll call him S/B, and 2h

What I am going to say goes against the old WoW rules, and even logic but listen to me for a second.

You have DPS, and Healers. The DPS is soft, the healers are soft.

As a S/B chosen I view myself as a front line chosen, that repels healers out of range from their targets, that uses a discordant aura/Blastwave combo to debuff, a toughness debuff, and depending on the make up of the team other debuffs. Making sure a guard is on a melee dps next to me.  I also view myself as thee flag carrier/token carrier.

If your a 2h, I believe your place is rarely in the front lines, you should be guarding the healers, and trying to kill as fast as you can anyone who harasses them.

t2 scenarios- these aren’t tips it just what I do. I want to win – xp, renown all secondary to me.

Stonetroll – I go for the flag, and run. I try not to mess with combat at all if I don’t have to. Keep an eye on the enemy run the other way. It’s all about speed, and your goal to pacify the trolls.  For example, large battle was going on top of the tower. I run up, not even engaging in combat. I take the pacifier, and run down the opposite way order was coming. I don’t stop and start fighting. Now if there’s more then one s/b chosen there, there nothing I love more then repelling a runepriest over the edge on the tower. Nothing.

Mourkain Temple – Go for the artifact. Cant get it, Stay on the enemy flag carrier, debuffing, and trying to get him, The damage will get him soon. If you do get it, don’t run into the front lines immediately, stand back a bit, hug the corners, stay out of ranged dps line of sight. When things settle go ahead and try to kill somethings, but I’ll bet a dollar, they’ll be coming for you, hopefully they’ll be stupid they’ll come for you one at a time.

Phoenix Gate – I try to get a 3 man team going, and the others work defense. I prefer a healer/melee dps/me. I have the melee, and healer go to the flag first while I hang back, and almost hide. When the flag defenders attack them. I run in and grab the flag, and run the hell back.  Rinse and Repeat, it works 60% time, every time.

Well those are some of the things I do, and think about T2, take them for what their worth. Not really much, but if it helps you good. Remember when you hit t3/t4 things, and roles might change.

RvR weekend

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags on October 6, 2008 by theerivs

No rest or relaxation, just WAR!.

I had a chance to put together a group of people, with the help of a guildie as well Bozlum, the squig herder. We took back Stonetroll keep from order. It was good practice I learned how to operate a ram, and a I also played around with a cannon.

I tanked the Keep Lord, which was a witch hunter. Someone said to tank him on the balcony, so I said sure. DON’T YOU BELIEVE IT!!!!.  The witch hunter booted me off the balcony. No you want to tank him near the back wall. So when he boots you, your still right there.

I won a nifty little ring too boot.

Other then that it was just dominate time in T2 scenarios, being 21 I’m on top of that food chain, and it’s pretty fun. XP sucks, but I’m in it to have some fun, it’s not all about the XP in my book.

I’m taking my ball and going home

Posted in Warhammer- Online with tags , , on September 30, 2008 by theerivs

The book of Grudges brought up a good point.


Now I’m going to be a Devil’s advocate and take kind of an opposite view. I don’t really feel that way all the time, but I have in the past especially in WoW. There are times though when I know were really outmatched, and just want to get out of the scenario. Especially when I see 5 elves on horses in a T2 scenario.  The thing that really keeps me going is my hate, and that it’s not just renown I am shooting for but, experience right now. So if I win I get more XP. At 40 I don’t know what I’ll feel. But here are the few times I feel like just giving up.

1. Sometimes you got to know when to cut your losses. I mean seriously if your losing 400 to 8, do you really think you got a chance.

2. When I go into a scenario solo, once in awhile I feel that my team is just clueless, and I am stuck with these people for possibly the next 15 minutes.

3. Some of the Scenarios the way they are designed once you get behind the proverbial “8-ball”, it’s very difficult to come from behind.

4. The class balance in these pugs are sometimes crappy, like not a whole heck alot of healers, where as the team your facing is 10 warrior priests.

5. I get way to frustrated with everything just got get upset, and want to toss in the towel. I don’t quite know how to leave, so I’m stuck there until the bitter end. In WoW if you were upset just /AFK.

Yeah I know it’s babyish, but hey it’s the way I feel and I am human.  Most of the time though if things are going bad I really just want to kill as many as I can, and I become more suicidal just wading through a horde of order causing CHAOS!!!.

Well it’s what I was Chosen for.